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15 May 2018

The Best Way to Effectively Connect when Networking!

Jairek Robbins



“How can I be of service?”


There has never been a more well-intentioned phrase. It truly is a hallmark phrase of someone who is looking to connect, share their knowledge and add value, right?


This is true, but on the receiving end of this question and in the wrong format, it can actually be creating a more stress, work to the person you are looking to help.


For example, you reach out to a company you admire – they are doing great things in the world – and you send them an email saying: ‘ I love what you are doing, I am a huge fan of your work! How can I be of service? ‘. As well-intentioned as that offer is, it leaves too much on the receiver to figure out.


What are you offering?

How can you be of service?

What do you perceive as their need?


Creating more work for the person you are looking to be of service to, is the faster way to the – thanks but no thanks – email or receiving no response at all.

This week, we are going to go over the best way to remix that phrase to actually get the response and opportunity to serve you are looking for!


You are also going to learn:


Check it out below and we would love to hear your experience on both sides!



To Your Success,


Jairek Robbins

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