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20 February 2018

[Interview] Overworked, Tired and Can’t Turn Off Your Mind… Try This!

Jairek Robbins




Hello, dear readers! I am delighted to share an enlightening conversation I recently had with the insightful James Altucher. In this discussion, we explore the realms of performance, managing overwhelming feelings, and finding tranquility amidst an anxious mind. Throughout the interview, we uncover the two essential steps to creating a life that genuinely matters and brings lasting happiness. Additionally, I share the reasons behind a significant shift in my coaching approach, which has greatly influenced the experiences of my performance coaching clients. Join us on this transformative journey of personal growth, as we gain valuable insights into living a life of fulfillment and inner peace.

Overcoming Overwhelm:

Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience, but there are powerful ways to manage and overcome it:

1. Clarity and Focus: Simplify your life by identifying your priorities and focusing on what truly matters to you.

2. Embracing Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to anchor yourself in the present moment and ease feelings of overwhelm.

Quietening an Anxious Mind:

Anxiety can be disruptive, but we can find peace by cultivating practices that calm the mind:

1. Mindful Breathing: Embrace the power of deep, mindful breathing to center your thoughts and reduce anxiety.

2. Self-Compassion: Show yourself compassion during anxious moments, recognizing that it’s okay to experience these feelings.

Creating a Meaningful Life:

Discover the two fundamental steps to create a life of purpose and happiness:

1. Defining Your Values: Identify your core values and align your life choices with what truly matters to you.

2. Taking Aligned Action: Take intentional actions that reflect your values, leading you towards a life of fulfillment.

The Shift in Coaching Approach:

Explore the reasons behind my shift in coaching approach and the positive impact on my performance coaching clients:

1. Holistic Coaching: Embracing a holistic coaching approach involves addressing not only performance but also emotional well-being and personal growth.

2. Tailoring Strategies: Tailor coaching strategies to suit each individual’s unique needs and aspirations, allowing for a more personalized growth journey.

The Journey to Fulfillment:

Living a life of true fulfillment involves embracing both the highs and lows:

1. Embracing Change: Change is inevitable on the path to fulfillment. Embrace it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

2. Living Authentically: Be true to yourself and your values, and allow your actions to align with your authentic self.

As we conclude this enlightening conversation with James Altucher, I encourage you to check out the full interview to gain a deeper understanding of performance, managing overwhelm, and finding peace in an anxious mind. Discover the two essential steps to create a life that truly matters and brings lasting happiness. Embrace mindfulness to navigate life’s challenges and find tranquility amidst the chaos. Reflect on the reasons behind my shift in coaching approach and the positive impact it has had on my performance coaching clients. Remember that the journey to fulfillment involves embracing change, living authentically, and taking aligned actions towards a life that resonates with your values. May this interview inspire you on your path of personal growth, fulfillment, and inner peace.


Check Out the Full Interview Here!





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